Wednesday, March 14, 2012

FMN Ministries

FMN Church

My Uncle Smoke built a church on the grounds at Forget Me Not for Midnight to preach at and furs to come to church on Sundays.  Still the church remains, but poor Midnight passed only a few weeks after Smoke did.   He officiated Smoke's funeral and then he left this world. View the church and preacher Midnight here. 


Before Midnight passed on to be with Jesus he made me promise that I would preach God's word to any who came to worship and learn about Jesus and he said he only wanted to remain with Jesus in Heaven.

I really enjoyed the church and all of us got to sing for the Lord.  Oh and we had a quartet too.  Uncle Smoke, Midnight, Eclipse and I were really going together and had alot of fun.

FMN Quartet

FMN Quartet on the Fourth of July!

That is the very first song we sang together and I think this will tell you how much fun we had together.

I was baptized!

Soon I come to know the Lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Midnight dunked me in and raised me up a new creature in the Lord.

Preacher Tabby Little was Ordained

Wonderful thing to be in the Word with Jesus.  When Midnight passed I was all alone to keep my promise to him and to Jesus that I would take on the responsibilities of the church.

I was very young and I loved to sing God's praise.

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